Meet Our Expert Team
at J Frazar Motorcars in Savannah, GA

Joe Frazar
Joe Frazar has a lifelong involvement in the collector car industry with an interest that began as a young man. Through his college years he was employed by a European car repair shop. He was always buying, fixing and selling British and European automobiles. He had a nine year deviation into the investment brokerage business with an NYSE member firm, but his true passion and skill set was classic and collector automobiles. He has also owned and operated multiple retail car dealerships and an automotive finance company. Today, Joe owns and operates JFrazar Sports Car Services and JFrazar Motorcars. He has worked with many of the collector car auction houses and is a founding member of the Oglethorpe Driving Club. He brings a high level of experience in regards to the collector car market place and very unique mechanical experience.
Cell: (912) 667-1704
William C.W. “Chip” Lamb
William C.W. “Chip” Lamb has been active in the collector and special interest automobile field for many years as parts vendor, broker, dealer, auctioneer, journalist and restorer. In addition to these, Chip is also a member of the Certified Appraisers Guild of America of long standing and appraises client portfolios for Ferrari of North America’s Financial Services wing. While there is no one professional certifying body for special interest automobiles as there is for real estate, Chip is a licensed professional auctioneer trained by the Missouri Auction School as well as a motor vehicle dealer salesperson in the state of Georgia, handling classic and special interest automobiles on a daily basis out of client stables as well as his own inventory. His valuations are sought not only by owners of special cars but also by insurance companies, financial institutions and his own colleagues who call him on a daily basis (as he calls them) to not only protect the interests of those in the business but also to be fair to those looking to sell. For many years, Chip covered thousands of cars at auctions across the United States for internationally renowned publication Sports Car Market and commented on those values in a changing marketplace as well as contributions to Cars that Matter / Hagerty Price Guide for many years.
Cell: (706) 339-3429